Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What’s New at the Q for the week of 1/21/2014

Here are the highlights: http://youtu.be/6NcBrp3as6o
 It’s winter and it’s usually snowing. Champlin has Snow Plow Information for you at http://www.qctv.org/videoplayer/stream.php?id=2308  There’s also a Champlin Police Department Tour at http://www.qctv.org/videoplayer/stream.php?id=2328.
            Ramsey Texting and Driving PSA is viewable at http://www.qctv.org/videoplayer/stream.php?id=2301.

           Want to know What’s New in the Cities? QCMR and QC News have got you covered. QCMR’s topics this episode include the Community Center in Andover, Castle Field in Anoka, The Mill Pond and Elm Creek Dam and Ramsey Ice Skating. Watch the latest at http://www.qctv.org/qcmr/.  QC News is also covering the latest Anoka County Commission, Mayors Trail Ride and more at http://www.qctv.org/news

We cover city meetings for our area. To watch the most recent episodes, check out each city’s page: Andover, MN: http://www.qctv.org/andover/, Anoka, MN: http://www.qctv.org/anoka/, Champlin, MN: http://www.qctv.org/champlin/ , and Ramsey, MN: http://www.qctv.org/ramsey/.

QC Sports is all new and had conference standings coverage, as well as Champlin Park Boys Basketball and the Andover Girls Hockey game versus the Centennial Cougars. Watch now at http://www.qctv.org/sports/sportsshow.php  You can see the latest sports games at http://www.qctv.org/sports/.


  1. Do you have footage of the Grande Day Parade?

    1. Hi Samantha!

      Yes. The 2013 Anoka Grand Day Parade is still available on our website and you can watch it here: http://www.qctv.org/community/playerid1324. Thanks for commenting and have a good week!
